
Friday, February 27, 2015

Deadpool and Teen Titans part 8: Attack of the Brain!

The Teen Titans are now in space, getting ready to dock the Brain's space station. Cyborg: (Landing the shuttle in the docking bay.) This could be a trap. Beast boy: (getting off the shuttle with the others.) What do you mean, Cy? Cyborg: There aren't any guards, here. Robin: Stay alert, titans. The Brain could be any where. Suddenly, knock-out gas filled the room, rendering our heroes uncounsious. As Deadpool awoke, he found he was in a cell, with the others. The were approached by the Brain, himself! Brain: (in a sinister tone.) Now that you're all awake, I can say what must be said. I--. Deadpool: (rudely inturupting.) So you're the brains of all this. Brain: (ejecting out a device, electrocuting Deadpool.) Silence, you imbecile!!! Now where was I? Oh, yes. I plan to use this weapon to destroy most of you're major cities, forcing you're world leaders to surrender and hand over their control of earth. Robin: You won't get away with this, Brain! Raven, you know what to do. Raven teleports outside of the cell right behind Brain. Raven: (with energy pulsing from her hands.) It's over! Brain: (running away.) Whoop! Whoop! Whoop! Whoop! Whoop! Raven releases the others from the cell. Starfire: (hugging Raven.) Thank you! Raven: Star, please let go. Robin: (pointing where Brain went.) TITANS GO! Brain presses a button, realesing very familiar robots. Deadpool: (pulling out his swords.) Oh look, doom bots. Wait-- doom bots?!? Beast Boy turns into a rhino, and rams them down. Deadpool: (grabbing Brain.) Why do you have doom bots, Brain? Brain: (frantically.) Ok, I'll talk! This is, really all a diversion, so that Dr. Doom can think up more to his plan. Robin: (angrily.) What is Doom up to!?! Brain: (even more scared now.) I honestly don't know! So the Titans take him to S.H.I.E.L.D., tell the authorities what's up, so they can send someone else to handle it and go home.
The end.

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